Frequently asked questions.
What is a weft?
What is a weft? A weft is a collection of hair strands which have been woven onto a fine strip of material. Wefts differ in width.
What is a row?
What is a row? 2-4 wefts (1-2 on bottom,1- 2 on top, sandwiching beads).
How do I know if I need multiple rows?
This will vary on the length and density of the client’s natural hair and client’s hair goal. This can be answered during consultation with stylist.
Will extensions damage my hair?
Our method will not damage your natural hair in any way. As long as the installation is done correctly, there will be zero damage. Aftercare and using proper products is also crucial in maintaining healthy hair.
How long do extensions last?
Sew-in wefts can last anywhere between 6 months-1 year with proper maintenance. The duration depends on many factors. The state of your natural hair, how often you come in for a move up, your hair care routine and regular maintenance all play a role in the longevity of the extensions.
Why does the same length extensions look different on different guests?
The height of the client and how long their torso is will determine how long the hair looks once installed. The hair will look longer on someone with a short torso, and shorter on someone who is taller or has a longer torso. The wefts may be the same exact length, but an optical illusion based on height can make them appear different.
What size are the beads?
Phanes beads are 4.5x3.5x6.0mm. They are copper beads lined with silicone to prevent slipping and provide an extra layer of protection between the hair and the bond. Their size makes them small enough to stay hidden once installed.
Why do I lose hair when I brush or shower?
The average person loses anywhere between 5-150 strands per day. This is normal and depends on your hair’s natural shedding cycle. While extensions are installed, your hair will still be shedding normally. However, some of that hair may be inside the extension bond so you will not notice until a removal or move up session. Although it may seem like an abnormal amount, rest assured that this is still your natural shed cycle.